
Antibiotics are essential drugs that effectively treat various bacterial-causing infections, prevent disease spread and decrease severe complications.

Unfortunately, bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics when used unnecessarily. One of the common causes of antibiotic resistance is buying Over-the-Counter antibiotics readily without a prescription.

When misused or overused, these drugs cause harsh side effects or become inactive to bacterial infections.

This article explains the effects of the misuse of antibiotics, how antibiotic resistance can affect you, and what to do to avoid severe health threats.

What Is The Misuse Of Antibiotics?

Misuse of antibiotics occurs when you are given:

  • a wrong antibiotic drug;
  • the wrong antibiotic dose;
  • take an antibiotic shorter or longer than prescribed;
  • Miss a dose(s) of antibiotics.

When Antibiotics Won’t Work

While antibiotics are readily available to treat most infections, they only work on bacteria-causing illnesses. Antibiotics do not fight or kill viruses nor treat viral-causing illnesses.

Most respiratory infections like flu, bronchitis, common cold, and ear infections are caused by viruses. Therefore, you can’t treat them with antibiotics.

Effect of the Misuse of Antibiotics

What happens if you misuse antibiotics?

Taking antibiotics too frequently or for the wrong reasons can cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. This is known as bacterial or antibiotic resistance.

The CDC referred to antibiotic resistance as “one of the world’s most pressing public health issues.” Even the most potent antibiotics are no longer effective against some bacteria.

Antibiotics do not work for colds and other viral illnesses; they can create more difficult bacteria to kill.

Many people are vulnerable, particularly those in long-term care-centers or compromised immune systems.

Other effects of antibiotic-resistant infections are:

  • Good bacteria turn bad
  • More severe illnesses
  • Extended Recovery time
  • Increased frequency or duration of hospitalization
  • More visits to medical providers
  • Pricier treatments

How to Take Antibiotics Responsibly

  • Resist the temptation of stopping to take your antibiotics once you feel better.
  • Take your drugs as prescribed to combat the bacterial infection fully.
  • Avoid sharing your drugs with others or taking theirs.
  • Don’t skip doses.
  • Talk with your medical provider to diagnose the cause of your illness and prescribe the best treatment for your symptoms.