
Handwashing is the act of cleaning one’s hand with soap or handwash and water to remove microorganisms, dirt, and other harmful or unwanted substances from one’s hand. It involves a rigorous rubbing of two lathered hands and rinsing with clean water. When soap and water are not readily available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol can be used. Handwashing helps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in our home and everyday life.

Handwashing is also commonly known as Hand Hygiene.


  1. Personal Hygiene: most pathogenic bacteria enter the body through the hands. We pick up germs from infected surfaces that our hands come in contact with. This is why it is advised to wash our hands many times during the day.
  2. Eliminate dirts: eating with dirty hands can facilitate the entry of bacteria into the body. Although rinsing the hands with clean water helps to remove dirt particles that stick to the hands, it is always advisable to wash the hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  3. Avoid spread of germs through handshake: germs are not only picked up from places, it can also be spread through contact with people. Every time we shake hands with dirty hands, we spread germs rapidly. Hence it is important to prevent the spread of germs through human contact.
  4. Prevention of skin diseases: the human skin is sensitive to bacterial infection and this can be caused by touching the face with dirty hands. This especially accounts for the break out of acne on our faces. When we wash our hands, we not only protect ourselves from bacterial infection, we also rinse away the microbes responsible for any skin related diseases.
  5. Skin health: handwashing gives us soft and clean hands. Clean hands are the secret to good skin. Handwashing helps to maintain good skin texture and health.
  6. Less need for medicines: handwashing helps to keep the hands germs free and make us disease free, thereby reducing our needs for medications. Most diseases like diarrhea, respiratory infection etc. occur through pathogens entering the body through dirty hands, handwashing helps to keep us away from such illness and overall drug use.

When washing the hands, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following steps:

  • Wet hands with running water. This is recommended because standing basins may be contaminated.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Soap helps to lift harmful microorganisms from the skin which is more beneficial than washing with water alone.
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. This creates friction that lift off pathogens from the skin. The more the scrubbing time, the more the pathogens that get removed.
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. Using a basin can recontaminate hands.
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry. Wet hands get recontaminated more easily.
  • Use a towel to turn off the faucet or Tap.

While washing the hand, it is easy to miss the thumb, the wrist, the areas between the fingers, and under fingernails, don’t forget these areas when you are washing your hands.

Like handwashing, the effectiveness of hand sanitizers depends on using the right technique. To apply hand sanitizer properly, follow these steps:

  • Apply about 3 to 5 mL (2/3 to 1 teaspoon) in your palm.
  • Rub vigorously, making sure to rub the product all over the surfaces of both your hands and between your fingers.
  • Rub for about 25 to 30 seconds, until your hands are completely dry.

Kids need clean hands, too

Help children stay healthy by encouraging them to wash their hands frequently. Wash your hands with your child to show him or her how it’s done. To prevent rushing, suggest washing hands for as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. If your child can’t reach the sink on his or her own, keep a step stool handy.

Be sure to supervise young children using alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Swallowing alcohol-based sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning. Store the container safely away after use.

To stay healthy and prevent the spread of germs, wash your hands

  • Before, during, and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating food
  • Before and after caring for a sick person who is vomiting and stooling.
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or waste
  • After handling pet food.
  • After touching garbage

Hand hygiene is a simple, low cost, evidence-based intervention that can help protect your health and the health of others. It’s a time-tested intervention that needs to be practiced consistently and mindfully to have the greatest effect on individual, community, and global health.



Centers for Disease Control (2 April 2020). “When and How to Wash Your Hands”

“Hand Hygiene: How, Why & When” (PDF). World Health Organization.

Handwashing: Its Meaning and Importance – ImportantIndia.com

“The right way to wash your hands”Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 7 March 2020.