
To improve employee mental well-being in the workplace, consider implementing the following steps:

  • Train managers to promote health and well-being: Provide managers with training on how to support and prioritise employee mental health.
  • Increase employees’ options for where, when, and how they work: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, to accommodate employees’ needs and promote work-life balance.
  • Reexamine health insurance policies with a focus on employee mental health: Ensure that your health insurance coverage includes adequate mental health services and resources for employees.
  • Listen to what your employees need and use their feedback to evolve: Regularly seek feedback from employees about their well-being and make adjustments to your policies and programs based on their input.
  • Create regular check-ins and open communication: Foster a culture of open communication and provide opportunities for employees to discuss their well-being with their managers and colleagues.
  • Give workers more control over how they do their work: Allow employees to have autonomy and decision-making power in their roles, which can contribute to a sense of well-being.
  • Promote well-being: Offer resources and support for employees’ overall well-being, such as access to apps for sleep, stress reduction or counselling and therapy.
  • Build a collaborative environment: Encourage teamwork and collaboration, which can help reduce feelings of isolation and promote a sense of belonging.
  • Develop stable and supportive relationships: Foster positive relationships among employees and provide support for those experiencing mental health challenges.
  • Offer access to mental health resources: Provide employees with information and access to mental health resources, such as counseling services or employee assistance programs.