
The “fertile period” or “fertile window” refers to the days in a woman’s menstrual cycle when getting pregnant is high. It differs depending on the women’s menstrual cycles.           

Knowing your ovulation and most fertile period can help you make a timely sex plan if you’re trying to conceive. This article is also handy even if you want to prevent pregnancy.

How to Know When You Ovulate

During ovulation, an egg (ovum) is released from the ovary. It takes around 12 and 48 hours for the eggs to travel to the fallopian tubes and the uterus.

In the female reproductive system, sperm can survive for up to 72 hours. So, you can become pregnant anywhere between five days before and one day after ovulation (fertile window).

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated that ovulation happens about 14 days before the next period for 28 days monthly cycle.

But the exact timing varies with different women, as some ovulate around 11–21 days of their cycle.

With this information, you can easily use a chart, diary, or free period-tracker mobile app to monitor your menstrual cycles.

Signs of Ovulation

These signs will help to determine the exact day you ovulate per month.

However, the ovulation signs and timing may vary from month to month. You can track these signs for a few months to discover what is typical to your body.

They include:

  • Lower abdominal cramps (mild)
  • Wetter, clearer, and more slippery egg white-like vaginal discharge
  • A slight rise in basal body temperature
  • An increased desire for sex

Tracking Ovulation to Find Fertile Window

The best way to accurately predict your ovulation time and fertility window is to combine two or more tracking methods. They include:

  • Ovulation day calculator
  • Over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits
  • Fertility monitor
  • Checking your cervical mucus texture
  • Body basal temperature charting

In a Nutshell

Whether you plan to conceive or prevent pregnancy, you must understand the science behind fertility regarding ovulation timing.

When determining the optimal time to conceive, observe your body’s fertility indicators, like cervical mucus changes, rather than the calendar. Studies reveal that timing sex for pregnancy poses increased stress on some partners. Therefore, try having sex more frequently, especially during your peak periods.