
Zambia has faced a significant mental health treatment gap, with limited resources and few mental health professionals available to provide care. However, Aspramed Telehealth has emerged as a promising tool to deliver mental health services remotely, especially in Zambia. The union between AspraMed and Lifeline Wellness Connect is a game changer as it promises to alleviate this gap and bring professional health care to places that would otherwise be the least accessible.

Who are the partners and what is the effect of this partnership?

Aspramed is a telehealth social enterprise existing to support healthcare systems in Africa irrespective of geographical locations through the use of telecommunication to improve health outcomes. Aspramed’s Core purpose is to save lives and protect economies with the mission being to provide 24/7 patient centred healthcare with a focus on continuity of care irrespective of language, location, economic and social status.

The vision is to be the leading Australian African owned Telehealth service provider

  in Sub-Sahara Africa working with various government health departments and stakeholders in health sectors to provide quality health care.

On the other hand, is the partner, LifeLine Wellness Connect (LWC) who provide professional services in Mental Health Wellness.’

They are committed to understanding, caring for, and respecting their clients while maintaining confidentiality and professionalism. Their motto, “Never a dull moment in wellness,” reflects their dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of those they serve.

LifeLine Wellness Connect (LWC) is a wholly Zambian company that provides services in mental health therapy and wellness through counselling, coaching, and mentorship. They also offer services in capacity building, team building, health products and sportswear to support their mission to help individuals achieve optimal wellbeing by integrating all the dimensions of their client’s mental health.

In Zambia, mental health services are mainly provided by Chainama Hills Hospital which is the

country’s referral institution. These services are supported by 10 mental health units which are adjoined to the General hospitals in each province. Apart from the mental health units, Zambia has three mental health rehabilitation centres.

Mental health services are mainly provided by Clinical Officers (psych), Mental Health Nurses,

Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychosocial counsellors and general health care


Do mobile apps work for mental health?

Mobile apps can be a convenient and cost-effective way to access mental health professionals and improve one’s mental well-being. Here are some advantages of using mobile apps to access mental health professionals:

  • Convenience: With Aspramed and Lifeline Wellness Connect (LWC) Treatment for mental healthcare can occur anywhere and anytime, which makes this a very convenient type of therapy. If a patient has more difficulty making in-person appointments, it is helpful to use the Aspramed app whether you need assistance at a strange time, or while out commuting to work.
  • Lower medical costs: The Aspramed app is a cost-effective way to access mental health professionals from LWC, especially for those who cannot afford traditional therapy.
  • Anonymity: Some people may feel more comfortable discussing their mental health concerns through a mobile app because it provides a level of anonymity, this have proved to be advantageous in a territory like Zambia, where mental health stigma is still high like most African countries.
  • Continual and constant support: Some individuals may need more constant support for their mental healthcare. The Aspramed will be able to provide reinforcement of skills, reminders, and community features to set goals and share progress.

What the Partnership promises 

Increased access to care: Aspramed Telehealth can help increase access to mental health care for people who live in remote or underserved areas of Zambia.

  • Reduces stigma: Aspramed Telehealth can help reduce the stigma associated with mental health care.
  • Cost-effective: Aspramed Telehealth can be a cost-effective way to access mental health care, especially for those who cannot afford traditional therapy.
  • Improved engagement: Aspramed Telehealth can have high engagement rates because it is easily accessible and can be used at any time. This can help people stay engaged in their mental health treatment and improve their outcomes.
  • Reduced access barriers: Aspramed Telehealth can help reduce barriers to engaging in mental health care by addressing logistical and sociocultural challenges.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Aspramed Telehealth offers flexibility in scheduling appointments and eliminates the need for travel, making it more convenient for individuals to access mental health care.
  • Continuity of care during crises: Aspramed Telehealth can ensure the continuity of mental health services during public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows services to be delivered remotely, ensuring that individuals can still receive the care they need

Overall, Apramed and LWC have the potential to improve mental health care in Zambia by increasing access to care, reducing stigma, and improving engagement. Find out more about

Aspramed in Zambia on www.aspramed.com/Zambia